Hey Girlies!
Don’t get me wrong, I love the fact that I look feminine but sometimes it just gets frustrating when people say “What’s the use of you looking fem when you don’t even have boobs!” so annoying and humiliating right? Well, I found a way to overcome that.
I found this website called www.feminization.us which sells crossdressing items like clothes, suits, boobs, down to vaginas! I decided to go minimal first and since my concern was to get boobs then I decided to try out their female breast forms first.
The breast forms were silicone in nature which made them feel and look really soft. The nipples were just erect enough to show the illusion of arousal. Also the tapes weren’t difficult to use since you basically just stick it on your chest area. And voila, instant boobs!
I had a sweaty back so it was a bit problematic since the tapes tend to lose their hold but I found a way to combat that. I used powder! I would apply a generous amount on my skin first then place the boobs in place. That last for about 4 hours at least. Even with heavy heat I did not feel uncomfortable nor did I had the need to make midday adjustments.
Overall, I give the female breast form a 4/5 stars in terms of use and appeal. I just wish it had something like a sweat control formula to make it more stable in times of “heat” if you know what I mean.
Definitely gonna keep my “boobs” for further use and flaunting.
See others of my reviews about crossdressing products at http://blog.feminization.us/