How To Walk Like A Woman For Crossdressers (Male to Female Transgender Crossdressing Tips)


Time to get that walk down ladies…walk with me….just like everything else in cross dressing your walk is going to take some practice to keep you from looking like a NFL Linebacker in stilettos. Good thing is practicing walking in heels is fun. The key is to not over do it like you are on the runway for Victoria’s Secret. Here are some tips to help you get the feminine walk down a little better.

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Martin sat fidgeting in the waiting room, struggling to contain his anxiety. This was it! If this job interview didn’t work out, his visa would expire in three days and he would be on his way back to Germany. Back to his life of no job, no friends and no girlfriend…it literally was all or nothing. The potential job at hand was an IT programming position for the non-committally named ‘TicTechToe’. It sounded like some kind of games company but, to be honest, Martin would take anything.