My sexy transform roommates comics 42
Cross dress fiction tongue tied
Good afternoon, you’re through to UltraReal Bodysuits Customer Care, my
name is Felicity. How can I help you today?
Hello?…Sir?…l ‘m afraid I didn’t catch that… Could you perhaps speak up a
Okay, still not hearing you. I think maybe we have a bad connection. l’ll try my
best to help you anyway. I ‘m just running your phone number through our
secure customer database.
Okay, here we are… l have you down as a Mr. Brad Keegan, is that correct sir?
An executive decision sissy fiction
When Matt and Paul had their track scholarships revoked and were forced to drop
out of college, they did what any good-looking, self respecting 20 year old guys
would do…they opened their own modelling agency. Astonishingly, their business
struggled initially, in fact in the first three months they were hired a grand total of
once… well Matt was hired. as a hair model in a barbershop menu. Putting it down to
hard luck. the boys gave up on the project and moved on. Paul even scraped enough
cash together to go away travelling. And then one day out of the blue Matt received
an email offering a respectable amount of money to buy M&P Modelling. Matt
checked who it was from, Mr. Heinrich Bunnimacher, hmmmm sounds fake! Out of
curiosity, Matt agreed to go and meet him at his house.
Fiction crossdressing for my country
“O-Oh man… Th-This is…intense,” said Secret Agent Steven Hanes to himself in the hallway mirror. Agent
Hanes was a part of a select group of Agents for the Central Intelligence Agency that got to use the new,
secret equipment that took undercover missions to the next level. The machines could literally change the
physical forms of those that use it.
Sexy maid trigger fiction
Felix took another long deep breath as he looked around him at where it had all
begun. The Palladium ‘s lobby lay empty since there were no matinee
performances on Saturday but for Feflx the room was packed to the rafters with
tension as he stared up at the poster advertising the return of The Great Simon.
the one person in the world that could rid him of the curse that was ruining his
life. Silently. he slipped through a door to where he knew the backstage area to
be in search of the famous hypnotist…