Fction sissy daddy’s special Tgirl

Fort e next few cays I spent most of my time worng out who Brandy actually was. I might ave
ransforrned into her, but that didn’t mean I knew thing one about her mannerisms or personality. I
ent up to her room, pawed through racks of expensive and revealing clothing. Watched the videos
on her computer of cheerleading tryouts, acting auditions, anything she put her mind to. Without
much difficulty I could do a roundabout approximation of her after not long at all. That brought me to
he mirror.he girl staring back at me was the eponymous Brandy. Tall, blonde, sexy as hell, with a cute face and
huge rack I kind of understood why she’d be such a terror, any guy who she spoke to was going to
do anything this beauty told him. She would be unstoppable. From the looks of her grades too, they
eren’t bad, she just didn’t seem to want to apply herself. She didn’t seem like an airhead at all. I
asn’t going to have to change that much to be her, and anything I did have to do was going to be
ell paid for.


By Susan King, guest poster and renowned bloggerI have been reading about women who, as part of their daily life, feel harassed by men while in public (called "street harassment").It happens to us as transwomen and we do not understand that part o...

High Heels are Good for You!

Ever since I began sashaying in shoes of stupendous height, all I ever heard was how bad they were. A parade of experts claimed that high heels caused one bad thing after another. They were the cause of all that was wrong with our feet, as well as being responsible for some of society’s ills as well. 

Well, I have some good news for high heel fashionistas. Contrary to popular opinion, wearing high heels is good for your physique and your psyche, according to studies recently uncovered by Team Femulate.

In one study, a British doctor performed tests using special scales and the results indicate “that high heels throw the weight onto the heel rather than onto the toes… which eliminates slouching, produces more healthy breathing, and adds inches to the bust.”

"But the greatest effect is the psychological one," the doctor added, "...long legs are admired and the high heel gives the impression of greater leg length... a sensation of slimness."

In another study, British scientists gave high heels a clean bill of health. “Instead of being unhealthful, high heels are actually easier on the body than low ones. In spite of the present vogue of high heels, there is no evidence that corns, flat feet, or other disorders are increasing.”

Works for me!

Source: La Redoute
Wearing La Redoute.

Michal Grobelny
Michal Grobelny femulates Maryla Rodowicz on Polish television's Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo.