Whatever happened to crossdresser p-l-richards fiction


This week on Flashback Friday we revisit a familiar face in a not-so-familiar body. T’g aptioner p-l-richards found himself facing the wrath of Femnonymous as they sought to e an example of him to other cappers. Once captured, he was surgically transformed y the shadowy group and forced to use his creativity once more to pen the fates of others

Hillary for Halloween

Everyday, I receive e-mails urging me to contribute financially to some cause. Lately, many of those e-mails have been in the political realm.

A few days ago, I received an e-mail from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) addressed to my male e-mail address with the subject being "Break out your best pantsuit, Stan."

My first thought was "How did they know that Stan owned a pantsuit?"

The e-mail came from Lindsey Reynolds, the Chief Operating Officer of the DNC urging me to contribute to Hillary Clinton's campaign. In the e-mail, Ms. Reynolds wrote, "We're also getting closer to my favorite October holiday: Halloween. I can't wait to see little girls all over the country in their best pantsuit dressed up as their hero, and our next president. (And not just the girls! My son, Mason, has even asked if he can be Hillary for Halloween -- so I may have him try out the college Hillary look out because she was just too cool.)"

Wow! You go, Mason!

Anyway, in 2008, I thought about femulating Sarah Palin for Halloween, but I did not think I could pull it off, so I didn't try. But I might be able to pull off a Hillary femulation.

Source: Madeleine
Wearing Madeleine.

Mart Müürisepp
Mart Müürisepp femulates Nancy Sinatra and These Boots Are Made For Walking 
on Estonian televsion's Your Face Sound Familiar.

10 Transgender Role Models to Inspire You (For Male to Female Transgender / Crossdresser)

Caitlyn Jenner might be the world’s most famous transgender woman – but the truth is, there are so many amazing (though lesser-known) transgender “sheros” we can also look up to. These trailblazers are shattering stereotypes and breaking boundaries. It’s a beautiful thing! That’s why in this post, I want to celebrate 10 transgender role models worth... Continue Reading

My Traditional Halloween

When I attend a civilian Halloween event, I dress like a woman on the street (and I don't mean a street-walker). For example, my Halloween costume for work is "office girl drag," that is, I try to emulate how women typically dress for the office.On the...


An Avon Lady selfiePost-Hamvention, I am still playing catch-up at work and at home, so that is why my blogging schedule is off-kilter!***I found another video from Hamvention in which I sort of appear. "Sort of" because the video shows me sitting in t...

Crossdressing fiction whatever happened to stephanie ff


It’s Friday once again and so as always there ‘s a Flashback coming your way. This week it’s Stephanie, the former leader of the Pink n Prissy Society, who fell foul to her own methods and was prissified by her own followers. let’s see how she ‘5 handling her enforced change of style, shall we?

I see them. Prowling the school like they own it. Snickering and laughing. They think they have championed, bested me… But no… I built the Pink n Prissy collective and I can sure as hell tear it down, all I have to do is bide my time and wait for my moment…