PART 1: FEMALE MASK - EMILY STARTING AT: $350.00 ♣FEMALE MASK - EMILY are very soft, strong and elastic, and they stretch to many times their original size…
FEMINI UNDERWEAR STARTING AT: $295.00 ♠ Femini Underwear is designed for the Transgendered. They are made of a soft flesh-like silicone rubber and the prosthetic bodysuit creates the perfect female form.…
Crossdresser HOW TO LAYER YOUR CLOTHES WHEN WEARING A CORSET This article was suggested by our customer Laura who is 16 months into using steel-boned corsets and she says in…
There are three (3) primary considerations to be made in deciding what size to select for breast forms. 1.Is the form for a male or female body ? Some males may…
I really glorify to see at the pictures of Brazil crossdressers. They are in plan of fact beautiful, amazing, astonishing. Some of the pictures of beautiful Brazil crossdresser Brunelly Romanoffi…
He is not just a beautiful androgynous guy, he is a god gifted crossdresser. He is not just amazing in his looks, he is awesome! Price $299.00 DELUX QUALITY BREAST FORM…