Staff.’ ‘m gave her best drill seargeant impression, ‘assenrble’ rim tried not
to squirm with discomfort as he stood to attention next to Bridgette. It was back.: that
feeling of intense shame and humiliation that he had somehow managed to push to the
back of his mind over the past few months had returned with a vengeance at the
thought of being confronted by an outsider, his parole officer no less. Mrs. Smith came
down the line and inspected his french maid uniform. adjusting his stockings, tightening
his apron and meticulously examining his makeup. She was just finishing up when the
apartment elevator pinged and the doors opened revealing an overweight balding man
somewhat perplexed by the sight before him. His parole officer, ‘Remember what we
discussed.” Mrs. Smith hissed sharply, ‘I will be listening and if every answer is not what
we practiced, I ‘ll make sure you’re back behind bars before the end of the week.’,’