Top 6 Makeup Tips for Transgender Women (Male to Female Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)

Your face is the first thing people notice about you. That means your makeup can make or break a feminine first impression. Does your makeup application look more drag queen than beauty queen? Or have you mastered the art of subtle, beautiful makeup? No matter what your skill level, there are a few key strategies that apply to everybody. Read... Continue Reading

Femulate Her or Her?

The Femulate Her spot in this blog features nicely clad women, typically, models wearing the latest styles.

The women I choose for the Femulate Her spot are women I want to femulate and I imagine, you readers would like to femulate some of these women, too.

There is one problem with my selections; there is a big disconnect regarding age... about 40 years!

Most of the models are probably in their 20s and are modeling clothing appropriate for young women. I am in my 60s and my guess is that many of this blog’ readers are right up their with me age-wise. As a result, we can dream about femulating the young models that I choose for the Femulate Her spot, but the reality is that such femulations are beyond our reach.

After publishing Friday’s post, My Future, I mulled over what I wrote and realized that my so-called future may be now! Instead of femulating a young model from Bebe or somesuch, I should femulate women who are more mature.

What a concept!

Source: Wearing Madeleine.
Wearing Madeleine.

Marcin Rogacewicz
Marcin Rogacewicz femulates Halina Frackowiak
on Polish television's Twoja Twarz Brzm Znajom.

Blogging Maturely

Hi Stana,

I like your new theme on your blog: the older you. The future you, clad in black, platform sandals, beads and a cute hairstyle, is sexy and attractive. In this older woman vein, I have found inspiration at the website Style at a Certain Age... you may very well know of it.

Your devoted follower,


∞ ∞ ∞

Hello Stana,

There's no shortage of older women style blogs...

For example try Not Dead Yet Style (I love that title) and also see her list of her favorite blogs.

Best regards,


∞ ∞ ∞

And then there is Ginger Burr's Total Image Consultants Blog that contains useful articles and tips on how to present a more fabulous mature you.

Source: Madeleine
Wearing Madeleine.

Jerzy Grzechnik
Jerzy Grzechnik femulates Adele on Polish television's Twoja Twarz Brzm Znajom.

How to Choose Breast Forms (Male to Female Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)

With the different kinds of breast enhancement for on the market it can be a complex decision when you set out to choose crossdresser breast forms. There are so many considerations: Size Style Material Lifestyle Budget We have covered in previous articles the different materials breast forms can be made from, including home-made breast forms. […]

The post How to Choose Breast Forms appeared first on Glamour Boutique.