How to Use High Lift Hair Color (Male to Female Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)

In recent years, the hairdressing industry has seen a marked increase in the number of clients who want to go blonde but don’t want to use bleach. For a long time, there was simply no way to cater to these clients and you couldn’t dye dark hair blonde without the use of bleach. That changed with the advent of high lift hair color, and now it’s possible to dye your hair blonde without the bleach powder. Or at least, in certain circumstances.transgender tips

Sissy crossdressing fiction one of the girl night


So there I was, two months after becoming a girl, on the dance floor, surrounded by beau-
tiful women professing to being my friends, with a man way too close to me. I could smell
his aftershave, and feel the warmth coming from his body. I wasn’t sure how I felt about
him. His handsomeness was intoxicating, every time I looked at him I got more confused,
and the more I felt his warmth, the more I began to feel something blooming within.

Top 6 Makeup Tips for Transgender Women (Male to Female Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)

Your face is the first thing people notice about you. That means your makeup can make or break a feminine first impression. Does your makeup application look more drag queen than beauty queen? Or have you mastered the art of subtle, beautiful makeup? No matter what your skill level, there are a few key strategies that apply to everybody. Read... Continue Reading

Transgender fiction i love bad boy to girl


I was falling for my worst enemy. I’d have thought the transformation into a woman would have
been the strangest thing that ever happened to me. But sitting across from him at our private
dining table, laughing at his jokes, and staring into his baby blue eyes, all that bottled hatred
of the years was slowly flowing away. I couldn’t help but just feel he was so sweet and so
hardworking and so perfect. When he asked to see me again Ijumped at the chance, even
though the evening was far from over.

Femulate Her or Her?

The Femulate Her spot in this blog features nicely clad women, typically, models wearing the latest styles.

The women I choose for the Femulate Her spot are women I want to femulate and I imagine, you readers would like to femulate some of these women, too.

There is one problem with my selections; there is a big disconnect regarding age... about 40 years!

Most of the models are probably in their 20s and are modeling clothing appropriate for young women. I am in my 60s and my guess is that many of this blog’ readers are right up their with me age-wise. As a result, we can dream about femulating the young models that I choose for the Femulate Her spot, but the reality is that such femulations are beyond our reach.

After publishing Friday’s post, My Future, I mulled over what I wrote and realized that my so-called future may be now! Instead of femulating a young model from Bebe or somesuch, I should femulate women who are more mature.

What a concept!

Source: Wearing Madeleine.
Wearing Madeleine.

Marcin Rogacewicz
Marcin Rogacewicz femulates Halina Frackowiak
on Polish television's Twoja Twarz Brzm Znajom.