mysteria adventure-49

mysteria adventure-49

Notice : Release every 3 days Meanwhile Leona and Nikki have arrived in The Wilds. While they suit up, Nick wonders why his love potion still hasn't taken effect. When…
mysteria adventure-48

mysteria adventure-48

Notice : Release every 3 days Why am I even writing this description? Everyone is going to be as distracted as Chris and not even read this. As if Leena/Hikaru…
mysteria adventure-47

mysteria adventure-47

Notice : Release every 3 days Never touch the mystical, glowy McGuffin Hikaru! That's fantasy world 101! Did anyone think that the Love Potion was going to be used successfully…
mysteria adventure-46

mysteria adventure-46

Notice : Release every 3 days While getting some drinks and snacks, look who suddenly shows up. She's an admin!!! Get her! The group finds out that not only is…
mysteria adventure-45

mysteria adventure-45

Notice : Release every 3 days Meanwhile at the beach... Yuzuki is nearing the breaking point of losing hope of ever escaping Mysteria and returning to her real life. Fortunately,…
mysteria adventure-44

mysteria adventure-44

Notice : Release every 3 days It seems that the guys aren't the only ones capable of checking out the other gender. Even Hikaru stuck as Leena can't help himself…
mysteria adventure-43

mysteria adventure-43

Notice : Release every 3 days Well there goes the quick and easy solution. On the bright side, girls, you've now got two young, dashing lads to help them. Allen…
mysteria adventure-42

mysteria adventure-42

Notice : Release every 3 days Everyone is turning back into their real selves (or cursed selves), when suddenly Hikaru discovers that he's out of Origin Masks! Five teenagers and…
mysteria adventure-40

mysteria adventure-40

Notice : Release every 3 days Despite how much Russell publicly downplayed the hacking incident, he knew it could potentially be very dangerous. He hasn't gone into the game himself…