Notice : Release every 3 days Gavin and the Nurse has been hard at work fixing the ‘puzzle’ over the last few weeks, but their progress hasn’t been enough for…
Notice : Release every 3 days Are you telling me Gavin hasn’t buttered Zoey’s crumpet yet? Done the pants-off dance-off? Fed the kitty? Planted the parsnip? Polished the porpoise? Sheathed…
Notice : Release every 3 days Gavin might be the key to creating a vaccine, but he’s also now the most sought-after man on the island. Better watch out. Looks…
Notice : Release every 3 days The most surprising part of Gavin’s test results? He wasn’t infected today. He’s had it for months. The most surprising part of Gavin’s test…
Notice : Release every 3 days Gavin is taken to the hospital to be tested. Miss Mayor, you can have my vote any time. The Mayor wasn’t the only government…
Notice : Release every 3 days Evacuate the park. Scramble all ambulances. And get this man a test kit. Oh my. Clarissa and the Teacher have certainly have had a…
Notice : Release every 3 days Gavin spends his last few moments as a man comforting a distraught Zoey. At least Gavin is taking this well. Well, Heather came very…
Notice : Release every 3 days Frank and Bridget aren’t getting away with no consequences for what they’ve done. Especially Frank. Mayor Westbrook is the next chess piece to fall.…
Notice : Release every 3 days Bridget and Frank have literally rained on Sandra and Natalie’s parade. Unfortunately, the real losers here is going to be EVERYONE. Bridget and Frank…