Posted inCrossdress Photos
Posted inCrossdress tips
Crossdressing Tips How To Lace Up A Corset
Corsets are a favorite of some crossdressers, for some its fashion, for others its function. Here are some tips on how to lace your corset.
Posted inCrossdress Body Beauty transgender videos
Video: Bikini Hair Removal Tips for Crossdresser
Posted inCrossdress News
Crossdresser Transgender Events Diva Social Party Partners Cafe New Haven CT Monthly Parties
So recently I had the pleasure of hanging out with my fellow sister and member of the “Cool Hair” Club Heather Leigh, who throws a Monthly Party for the TG/CD Community up in New Haven Ct called Diva Social. I sat down with Heather to get all the information on the event. If you are anywhere up in the North East, this is a monthly party you should definitely make plans to attend. Here is all the info…
Posted inCrossdress tips
Top 5 Eyeliner Looks Tutorial Makeup Monday (For Crossdressers / Transgender Women)
Here are some tips & Tricks To Help You Out With Eyeliner. For The Basics Of How To Apply Eyeliner In Pencil Or Liquid CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE Semi Mask…
Posted inCrossdress News
Makeup Matters (For Crossdressers and MTF Transgender Women)
"Why Makeup Matters to Transgender People — and How the Internet Is Helping" is a very interesting article written by Rachel Lubitz, which was just posted on Style.Mic. “The relationship…
Posted inCrossdress Fiction
Fiction with Nice Angel
The first thing people realized about the TG virus: it wasn’t sexually transmitted.
Which, okay, was weird, but it did explain Patricio. He wasn‘t a virgin, but he was n
player either. He only slept with women he cared about, and since Jenny had just
broken his heart, he was alone. After a night binging on pizza and his ex’s favorite
vin rose, he woke up feeling sick. All his body hair had fallen out and lay in a pile
around him.
Posted inCrossdress News
Hi, I Am Emily, I’m a Transwoman and I’m Pretty Cool!
I have always been devoted to my family, always took pride in my work and approached all my assignments with eagerness, dedication and enthusiasm. I was always professional, responsible, loyal and very dedicated in all my pursuits including college and committed in handling and managing the financial needs that come with home ownership. I am now unable to work as I have struggled with depression and my gender identity since early childhood and had a recent breakdown and a painful realization of needing to transition.