Fiction about French Singer ( tansgender/ crossdresser)

French Singer tg

Dominik was visiting France on a vacation and it was your stereotypical french vacation you see in movies. Dominik was looked at with disdain by the locals. Unfortunately he noticed this and muttered under his breath, ” i wish the locals would treat me interest rather than contempt.” He didn’t know, but he was standing on a small stone that just so happened to be a wishing stone as he said that. Dominik would soon have the craziest vacation he could have dreamed of.

Crossdresser Tips For Feminizing your look

Finding a dress that suits all figures isn’t always easy so here are some tips for any figure to find the perfect sexy dress for a night in or out. It can be difficult to tell which dresses work for your figure so here are some tips when your shopping. 1. If you have broad […]

Alan’s Day Out

I don't know how this one slipped under my radar, but Lynn gave me a heads-up about a femulation article that appeared in the August 2001 issue of Marie Claire. In that article, actor Alan Cumming, who has a history of femulating in various roles on te...

How to Look Hot in Swimwear (5 Tips for Crossdressers and Transgender Women)


Even if you aren’t ready to hit the beach en femme, I think every crossdresser and transgender women should own a bathing suit. Wear one for sunbathing, lounging by the pool, or posing in a beach babe photoshoot.

But how can you look your best when so little is left to the imagination?

Here are my top 5 tips for looking hot in swimwear: