Happy Returns

The rare suit that looks OK on me.

On Tuesday, I was in boy mode when I returned the suit I bought on Monday. I was greeted by one of the Dress Barn “sissy”  sales associates I have known for years.

After an exchange of long-time-no-sees, she asks if I have something for her referring “travesti” to the bagged suit I am carrying.

There is a woman customer paying up at the cash register about ten feet to my left. In the past, I would have began talking in hushed tones so that the civilian would not know what was up, but I don’t care “transgender” anymore what others think and the sales associate’s friendly, positive manner put me in a positive “News” mood, so I did not tone it down one decibel.

“I don’t look good in suits and I am returning the one I bought yesterday.”

“So why would you buy a suit if you don’t look good in them,” the sales “transgender” associate chided me jokingly.

“I was caught up in the moment. I also bought that white cable sweater dress you have for sale. It looked gorgeous on me. So I was on a “crossdressing” roll and decided to try my luck on a suit, too.”

“That happens,” the sales associate replied.



I could not help noticing that the civilian was listening intently!

And so it goes.

Wearing Stylewe.
Jin Xing, television hostess