Fiction about pachinko panic gameshow tg


Anyone who watches gameshows knows they are always raising the stakes to keep viewers. By the year 2025 gameshows had become more extreme and negative prizes (things that the game show gave to people or made them do they would never actually want) had become a popular gimmick on many shows.

One particular channel was infamous for how high the stakes could get on their shows and for their contracts which were so open~ended the could basically be used to force contestants into doing anything. The network was called MenTV and had formed as a merger of SpikeTV and 64 in 2022. Recently one of their game shows. Pachinko Panic. was getting a lot of attention because of its $500 million grand prize.

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Cooper hated MenTV. but loved the idea of winning $500 million. so he signed up. Now his big day had arrived and he was on stage in front of a live studio audience. Pachinko Panic worked a lot like an actual game of Pachinko. There was a gigantic pachinko machine and the player launched balls from the top which then fell through an array of pins. levers and other mechanisms until it landed in one oi the cups on the way down. The only real difference between it and any other pachinko machine was that all of the cups had signs on them that indicated what the player would get if the ball landed there. Each player only got three balls and the grand prize was one of the least likely cups for the ball to land

Well Cooper. how about you put your balls on the table and get started!” said the host of the show to a giggling audience. Cooper launched the first ball which clinked its way down into a slot that read Free Vacation. “Congratulations Cooper. you’ve just won an all expenses paid one month vacation to the Bahamas! And as a special bonus one of our beautiful assistants here will be joining you on your vacation!” Cooper was jumping for joy at having won this prize! He figured now even it he didn’t get the grand prize he would be in the Caribbean with the babe of his dreams.

Without even looking Cooper excitedly launched his second ball down the slot The ball landed in a small cup Cooper hadn’t noticed before that was titled Lose a Thing. Change a Thing. Gain a Thing. Confused at what that meant Cooper looked at the announcer for an explanation.
“Well Cooper you’ve lust landed on a very special prize! We will. at random. decide one thing about the prize you‘ve already won that you will lose. one thing about the prize that will change In a random way. and you’ll also gain one new random prize!”

Cooper was upset because he was worried this would mean he would lose his date with the assistant The announcer told Cooper to draw from a deck of cards to decide what would happen to him. The first card Cooper drew said he lost his trip to the Bahamas. Cooper was a little sad but on the bright side this meant he would still get to date the assistant for a month. The second card Cooper drew Just had the words. Change Places on it “Oh! This is exciting Cooper! For the random change to your prize you’ve drawn the Change Places card! This means you will be changing places with our beautiful assistant! Instead of winning a one month date you will be becoming one of our assistants for one
month and a random member of the studio audience will win the prize of dating you! Say cheese Cooper!” Before he could react Cooper was hit with a flash of blinding light and when he regained his vision he saw he was a woman wearing a latex red dress and black boots. Obviously Cooper wanted to stop but he didn’t really have any choice but to pull the last card. “Congratulations Cooper! You’ve won a free breast enhancement! Just what the doctor ordered. eh kiddo?” Cooper blushed as the audience laughed at his bad luck.

Cooper only had one more shot and he figured if he won the grand prize it would all be worth it- He shot his last ball down the machine and for a moment it seemed to settle in the grand prize cup but just as Cooper was getting excited it rolled back out and fell below into a small cup where it was very unlikely for the ball to normally end up. This cup read Super Bonus Jackpot and as the ball settled tons of flashing lights and music started and the giant pachinko machine turned around to reveal another pachinko machine. This new machine was taller and more narrow and instead of words the cups all had multipliers on them like lOX. 5ox. lOOX and so on. Without warning a ball launched down the board and
piinked its way past cup after cup until it made its way to the very bottom landing in a cup that read IOOOX. ”Wow Cooper!” said the announcer

“That‘s our highest multiplier! That means Instead of lasting one month your prize will be lasting one thousand months! Sounds like you won the PRIZE OF A LIFETIME! THANK YOU FOR PLAYING PACHINKO PANIC!”


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