If You Do This Your Crossdressing Life Will Be Better (Male to Female Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)

There was a catchy song I used to listen to when I was younger. The lyrics were nothing to rave about, as over and over they proclaimed ‘If you buy this record your life will be better’. Yet the tune was hypnotic, and perhaps some subconscious part of me that longs for approval was convinced that my purchase had improved my life. Most advice is like that of the song. Tantalizing in it’s potential, yet somewhat lacking in the fulfillment of that potential.

Two weeks ago I wrote a post entitled ‘How To Look Like A Woman’, where I promised to share a secret that will magnify your femininity ten fold. The truth for many who crossdress is that it requires a lot of effort to cultivate our femininity. It takes work to choose appropriate clothes, move like a woman and wear makeup to accentuate our inner beauty.

Yet through all of this we’re struggling with stubble that shows up each morning when we wake up, and part way through the evening just as we’re trying to look our best. The secret to enhancing your femininity is permanent crossdresser hair removal.

Crossdresser Hair Removal

If you’ve ever tried to hide the stubborn remains of facial hair under a thick layer of makeup, then you know what I’m talking about. After shaving the same area three times your skin is left raw – if not bleeding – and there are still some hairs that remain. You’re forced to hide your true skin tone underneath concealer and then foundation, not a very natural look. Not at all suitable for day time, when most woman wear a light application of makeup.

We can all appreciate how difficult facial hair is to conceal, but it gets worse. Facial hair makes a proper skin care routine next to impossible. Most woman strive to tone, balance, moisturize and protect their skin. Yet the first thing men do every day is scrape a razor blade over it. How supple and healthy would you feel if you had to endure such trauma?

The daily infliction upon your face doesn’t stop with the skin shearing shave. Afterwards your pores and left open, and small cuts can invite bacteria to take root. Gradually your skin will become rougher.

But wait, it gets worse! Have you ever tried to tone and moisturize after shaving? It’s quite painful, actively discouraging a good skin care routine. I’m also not sure how good it is to pour lotions on your face after you’ve cut it to shreds. It would seem like topicals should remain topical.

Permanent or even semi-permanent hair removal allows your skin to generate a natural softness and makes it easier to maintain a healthy skin care routine. It has psychological benefits as well. A quick glance at your hairless and feminine face, even in guy mode, will let you feel the exhilaration of femininity.

Since you’re spending less time shaving each day you’ll have time to put a light dusting of makeup on before heading to work. Just a touch of foundation and some light blush and you can practice your makeup technique with noone being the wiser.

So What About That Crossdresser Hair Removal?

Last year I shared some different options for transgender hair removal. Hair removal can be expensive and painful, but in my opinion it’s more than worth it for the benefits you get. Not least of which is the ability to get hair removal done without anyone suspecting a thing. Well, apart from your esthetician.

I highly recommend a few treatments of laser hair removal, followed by electrolysis to clear up any stragglers. Having done this dual treatment myself I’ve a new level of respect for ladies who have removed all their facial hair through electrolysis. Electrolysis is painful, slow and effective. It’s also the only way to get rid of any white or gray hairs you may have. (Am I too young to admit to any gray hairs just yet?)

In contrast, laser hair removal is great at treating large areas (like the beard) quickly. It works best on a darker hair / fairer skin combination, and results are usually seen after the first treatment. Laser hair removal can be deceptive though, since some of the hair grows back a few months later. I’ve often felt the results were beyond expectations a week after treatment, but 3 months later a good third of the hairs have returned.

The Real Secret To Femininity

Thanks for sticking with me this far. I’ll end with another song I enjoyed from my youth by Baz Luhrmann – Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen). It still sends chills down my spine when I listen to it.

Amidst the great advice is another gem to enhance your femininity – Wear Sunscreen!

So you’re set. Hair removal. A good skin care routine. And Sunscreen.

Be beautiful my girlfriend!