1. Drink a large bottle of water after brushing your teeth.
This is MC cover girl, Cameron Diaz’s tip for waking up your digestive tract for the day. ‘Every night before I go to sleep, I fill up a big glass bottle with water and put it on my bathroom counter. First thing in the morning, right after I brush my teeth, I drink it. Because I know that during the night, while I am sleeping, all of that breathing in and out exhales a lot of moisture from my lungs. Imagine how much water you can lose during eight hours of breathing! Because we can’t replenish it while we are sleeping, it’s important to rehydrate once we wake. Once I drink the water in the bottle by my sink, I feel it immediately. I go from being a wilted plant to one that has just been rejuvenated by the rain.’
2. Use mayonnaise to protect your hair
Before you dismiss this as utter madness, just look at Blake Lively’s lusicous mane. The actress has just revealed in an interview with Byrdie that she puts mayonnaise on the bottom half of her hair before showering. This cunning DIY trick means that the mid-lengths and ends are protected when shampooing, so the soap can’t strip all the natural moisture and dry it out. Blake’s mum taught her this trick and it seems to have served her well. Just make sure you rinse thoroughly.
3. Use honey as a face mask
Honey (it has to be raw honey, mind you) has antibacterial properties and is very effective at helping acne-prone skin. Slather on your face, leave for 10 minutes, wash off with warm water and the job’s a good’un. Some people complain that the honey draws out the toxins, causing problem skin to get worse before it gets better, but in the long run it’s a good solution.
4. Use baking soda on teeth to make them whiterAre you loathed to splash out on expensive teeth whitening kits? Try mixing one tablespoon of baking soda with three drops of hydrogen peroxide then use it as a toothpaste for a healthy set of pearly whites.
5. Shave legs with hair conditioner
Forget spending money on a separate shaving foam, simply use hair conditioner instead. It’s super moisturising, makes the hairs softer and therefore easier to shave. Winning.
4. Use evening primrose oil to help spots heal fasterBurst an evening primrose oil capsule and apply to troublesome spots to help them heal in half the time. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which can really help take the redness out of sore spots. Apply overnight and sleep in it for best results.
6. Never EVER go without a pot of Vaseline
Petroleum jelly has countless uses. One of our favourite things to do is slather it all over our feet, slip on a pair of fluffy socks and then sleep. If you dye your own hair, it’s great for preventing the dye from staining your skin, just use it as a barrier around the hairline, ears and neck. Finally, it can also be used to tame unruly eyebrows.
7. Lemon peel can remove nail varnish stains
If dark nail polish has stained your nails, simply rub some lemon peel on the stubborn spot. Soaking the tips of your nails in lemon juice can also make then whiter.
8. Use an orange to exfoliate
The acid and Vitamin C in oranges makes for an excellent exfoliator. If you don’t have time to be concucting fancy homemade potions and lotions, simply cut an orange in half and use on your knees and elbows.
9. Shave your legs last
If you tend to get bumpy or irritated legs after shaving, do it at the end of your shower when the warm water will have opened up your pores and the hair will be softer.
10. Keep your beauty products in the fridge
Not all of them, obviously, but nail varnishes, eyebrow & eyeliner pencils and lipsticks can all be kept in the chilled section. Doing this will make your polishes last longer, as well as causing lip & eye pencils to be firmer and therefore give sharper lines.
11. Serum + foundation = beautifully soft skin
Add a drop of serum (we love Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair) to your foundation to give your skin an extra glow.
12. Add a drop of peppermint oil to your lipgloss
Add just a drop for a plumped up pout. Warning: it may tingle.