mysteria adventure-70

mysteria adventure-70

Notice : Release every 3 days

At their darkest hour, the fierce rogue makes her return by saving the day! Surely freeing them from certain doom will be enough for them to forgive Nick’s past transgressions and let him/her back into the party?

ikki frees them and she’s welcomed back into the group with open arms. Once free, the admins decide to distract Grey Mask so that the party can go save Chris.

A pale looking Chris is unplugged from the soul extraction device. With him free, he’s got a lot of explaining to do to his non-blood friends about what the hell is going on.

Is Grey Mask unstoppable against any character in the game? Yes. Is he unstoppable against a real sorcerer? We shall see. Chris isn’t giving up his body and life without a fight.

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