mysteria adventure-7

mysteria adventure-7

Notice : Release every 3 days

Cynthel is enjoying the game when suddenly she hears a cry for help. It seems Hikaru has found something much more dangerous than a big old boar. With the support system down, there’s no way to enforce order over the trapped players.

Cynthel comes to the rescue by slicing off the hand that was all over Hikaru’s body. With the asshole vanquished, our Moon Elf is thankful to the mysterious Sun Elf girl- I mean guy

Blue and Red team up for the sake of sticking together in an increasingly dangerous game while they wait for rescue. Hikaru learns that Cynthel is a fellow guy stuck in a girl’s body. You’d think that they’d identify with each other over regretting their decision and hate being in a girl’s body, but Cynthel actually doesn’t mind it. Huh.

Hikaru introduces Cynthel to the group back in Rivertown. After they agree they should head for Capitol City, Hikaru has a… wardrobe malfunction.

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