Disguise of Deception-2

Disguise of Deception-2

Notice : Release every 3 days

Disguise of Deception-2

“The nine man crew of the Crossfire has assembled for a briefing on their upcoming mission on the world known as Odyssey.”

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Disguise of Deception-2

“So 64,000 colonist disappeared without a trace. While the Federation has been investigating for months, now the soldiers assigned to protect investigation commission seem to be going missing as well. Now the mercenaries of Crossfire are to protect the commission and provide aid in figuring out what happened to Odyssey.”

“Going up against whatever could make a whole planet’s worth of people seems intimidating to most, but the mercs of Crossfire aren’t going to take a challenge laying down, especially with that kind of money on the table. Although, maybe their pursuit of payday might come back to bite them.”

“After two days of travel and preparations, the Crossfire finally enters the orbit of Odyssey.”

“The unprotected Commission seems to be doing fine, but there’s no telling when they might find themselves missing in action. Commander Jackson readies his crew to make landfall on the surface.”

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