mysteria adventure-16
mysteria adventure-15
mysteria adventure-14
mysteria adventure-13
mysteria adventure-12
mysteria adventure-11
Notice : Release every 3 days
The proverbial AoA nerd, Leon, has been keeping other important information from them. Apparently it”s not that difficult to change back into your real self in the game. The two problems with these “Origin Masks” is that they disable your player abilities, and they”re super expensive. Well, at some point soon, they”ll be able to change back to normal at least part time.
mysteria adventure-10
mysteria adventure-9
mysteria adventure-8
Notice : Release every 3 days
Blue and Red team up for the sake of sticking together in an increasingly dangerous game while they wait for rescue. Hikaru learns that Cynthel is a fellow guy stuck in a girl”s body. You”d think that they”d identify with each other over regretting their decision and hate being in a girl”s body, but Cynthel actually doesn”t mind it. Huh.