By any means necessary crossdressing fiction


The three spymasters sat innocuously at their dining table in the restaurant. The place was quiet,
but with a lively emugh crowd to distract anyone from snatching any details from their conversa-
tion. Ms. Fenstone was in the centre, an ageing black face and overlong fingernails, and just about
the most well connected power broker in these United States. She was eating steak, rare. She liked
the slight tinge of blood in her mouth after each bite, it felt like the only natural thing in her diet,
which otherwise composed of nutrient shakes and constant pain pills.

Fiction crossdressing woman with me


The doctors at Curves lnc never messed around. I was given a five star service from
entering until I left the building. I conference called with Dominic in order to choose a
face and body that both fit my personality, and worked with one another. He was a
busy man, and thus couldn’t attend, but was helpful enough to pencil me in during
work time to help me out. Without having anyone else to speak with, he kind of under-
stood that l’d be going alone if he didn’t pitch in.

Crossdressing sissy fiction make a woman of me


I-or the next few weeks after the transformation, Dominic was Instrumental In getting me set up. He was my benefactor and friend, but he also took on the per-sona of my boss as well. In this capacity he took me to be a mountain of clay, ready to be moulded. He showed me the ways of ensuring a productive office, and in gaining my own skill and learning from the job too. I had so much respect for him, he sorted me an apartment in a tech related sector of the city, and I started to make some friends and make some plans too. He encouraged me so much.

Tg caption fiction no time for the crossdressing girls


The next evening, while Mike was trying to level up Just once more, Susanne came Into the room all
dressed up and apparently with nowhere to 90. Her girlfriend barely paid attention to her, keeping
her gaze on the screen as if her life depended on it. But as more and more of Susannes friends came
into the room, the numbers became more than Mike could successfully ignore. She turned only to
come face to face with ten other women who he had upset at some time or another. They were hold-
ing sexy nightwear, and were intent on forcing him into it.

Fiction daddy’s crossdressing girl


I pulled through the silent streets of the more affl uent areas of historic Newport, just as the sun was setting on
he horizon, painting the whole town a delightful orange color that really set off the falling leaves from the
trees. Autumn had always been my favourite season, and spending it in New England was a pleasure I’d never imagined I’d experience. Since the transformation I’d been thinking less and less about my former life, until
here were some days where I just thought purely as ‘Brandy’. That isn’t to say I was losing my identity. More
making a new one. I could still be the computer kid, I could still be antisocial and weird, I just had to be some-
hing on top of that also. I had to be Brandy Svenning, hottie, underachiever, and all around ‘good girl’.

Crossdresser fiction how my best friend became my girlfriend


Tommy and I had been best friends since as long as I could remember. We kinda fit to-
get her really well. I was the big guy, the heavy, and he was my buddy who was pretty
smart. It meant I could keep him out of trouble from some of the bullies, and he could
help me out on my homework and junk We must have been about 16, it was the
summer of 1999, and we were out hiking in the woods.