Sissy crossdressing versus sissy transgender fiction


See you later.” Three words that set the cogs in motion…of everything that would transpire, but more
specifically and crucially, the gears in the minds of Jared and Rory as they watched Aunt Clarissa leave for
work. She wasn’t their real aunt of course. most aunts aren’t. she was one of those aunts who were actually
just an unspecified family friend. the title of ‘aunt’ bestowed upon them to ensure respect. With Clarissa the
title just stuck. even when the boys reached their late teens. It made even less sense when you realise that
Jared and Rory aren ‘t even related and that Clarissa was the mutual best-friend of their respective mothers,
who over the years had made the most of their friendships by sending the boys to stay with their ‘aunt’ near
the sea whenever they felt like a quiet weekend.

Crossdressing fiction whatever happened to stephanie ff


It’s Friday once again and so as always there ‘s a Flashback coming your way. This week it’s Stephanie, the former leader of the Pink n Prissy Society, who fell foul to her own methods and was prissified by her own followers. let’s see how she ‘5 handling her enforced change of style, shall we?

I see them. Prowling the school like they own it. Snickering and laughing. They think they have championed, bested me… But no… I built the Pink n Prissy collective and I can sure as hell tear it down, all I have to do is bide my time and wait for my moment…

Transgender fiction the viewing


The newlyweds strode up the driveway and were greeted by a rather flustered looking real estate agent.

Look l know we agreed on a viewing today but we’ve had a bit of an incident here last night. It seems a sorority from the local college broke in so they could hold a party. We’ve been cleaning all morning but the place is still a bit of a mess. I totally understand if you want to wait until another day or view a different property,‘ blurted out the agent.

Sissy fiction break in brad crossdressing


Brad looked over his shoulder nervously at the enormous dog in the hall as he folded towels to go in the drawer. He tottered back across the room clumsily on his heels still keeping both eyes warily on the dog. Suddenly feeling extremely exposed, he pulled the hem of his velvet French maid uniform tight over his rump.
Hey, at least he was a classy French maid he thought bitterly as he felt the lace thong from his lingerie started to chaff again. I mean what kind of maids wore garters…

Cos the volunteer crossdressing fiction


After a low-key start, Charlie was gradually settling into life in a fraternity. There were so many new things to get used to, so many new brothers to get to know but at last it was all starting to come together and was proving to be a rollercoaster ride that would make his college experience complete. Exiting the frat house’s gamesroom, he encountered Austin the fraternity’s president.

Hey Charlie, we’re meeting with our sister sorority in the common room at 5pm to select a maid for the coming school year. Everyone’s going to be there so make sure you’re not late.‘ A maid !? This just gets better and better he though to himself as he tried to imagine one of the sexy sorority girls dusting his shelves in a short apron. Frat life rocks.