Posted inCrossdress Fiction
Fiction about A good job feminising him
That's the last time I ever help out the drama department.I Scowled Chase as he kept his eyes forward avoiding the gaze of anyone who might recognise him, though this was quite impossible seeing as…
Posted inCrossdress Fiction
Fiction about Request Magic Boots
Like what you see? Why thank you! I do consider it some of my best work. No, I'm not the photographer. Or the girl. I'm the boots! Yeah. I'm…
Posted inCrossdress tips
4 Must-Have Items for Concealing a Beard Shadow (MTF Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)
One of the biggest challenges of presenting yourself as a woman is hiding that pesky beard shadow.
While you might be tempted to use the heaviest concealer possible to cover it, that’s actually the worst thing you can do. All this does is create a heavy, cakey look that ends up drawing more attention to the very area you want to hide.
So what’s a girl to do?
I’m glad you asked! In this article, I’m going to share 4 must-have makeup items you should use in place of that heavy concealer.
Then you’ll learn how to put them together with a step-by-step video tutorial. It teaches you how to conceal your beard shadow with minimal makeup for a natural, feminine look.
Here’s what you’ll need: