Crossdressing fiction finding the girl


lt can be tough finding the one. any one in fact. but when you live in one of the
most romantic countries in the world. as Lorenzo did. and you still can’t get a
second know you have to alter your strategy a little. Desperate boys
call for desperate measures…or maybe just desperate girls… living in Italy,
Lorenzo had of course heard the stories about the mysterious little town. which
lay somewhere between Milan and Palermo. named Femini. inhabited only by
women but for the domineering ‘Padre’. Those girls have likely never even seen
another guy, Lorenzo theorised. if only l could find a way in to the village. I bet l
could have my pick of any of them…

Sissy fiction coin tg


I left my friend Dan’s house after finding this coin in his basement. Personally, I didn’t think
much of it. I mean, yeah, it was old so it might of had some value to it but for some reason
Dan seemed to think that this was something much more.

I left him to do his research so that I could get home in time for dinner. I must have been
walking for a good few minutes when I suddenly felt lll. With not much further to go, I ran
home and headed straight for the bathroom.

Sissy fiction d’ya even lift sis


Hello Marek want to play a game. From the very beginning you have been the so-called ‘9
muscle of your thuggish sex-trafficking gang, lending a hand, or a fist, wherever necessary
to enforce your compatriots ‘will, and having your fair share of the group ‘s ‘merchandise
But now…well. it’s time to see how strong you really are… When you agreed to turn ll:
evidence against your boss and go into police protection. you thought your troubles were miover, that noone would ever find you…. Well Marek. l found you…and it’s time to see how“ ”g strong you really are… You have been fitted with a state-of-the-art female bodysuit that i will bind with your skin forever in one hour unless you can prove just how much you can lift

How to Pass as a Woman in Public (Male to Female Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)


Have you been out dressed in public before?

If you have you probably know the fear that comes with taking those first steps out into the world, and the constant anxiety of being read. Passing in public is the holy grail for crossdressers, but too many see it as an impossible challenge far out of reach. It doesn’t have to be.

Crossdressing fiction on the fly


How many times do I have to tell you not to play down here?‘ Alan screamed with exasperation after almost falling over his eight year old daughter, Stephanie. She
cowered in one corner of his basement turned workshop, just a few feet from the
scattered electrical components which her dad had spilt everywhere whilst trying to
avoid stepping on her. ‘It ‘s just not safe sweetheart… ‘ he cooled his temper a little but
remained firm, ‘…there are so many dangerous things down here. ‘ He watch his
frightened daughter scurry up the stone steps to wards the main part of the house,
satisfied that perhaps finally he ‘d got his message across. Turning back to his work, he
sighed in awe at his creation. The two huge pods stood ominously in opposing corners of
the basement…finished…