Sexy maid trigger fiction


Felix took another long deep breath as he looked around him at where it had all
begun. The Palladium ‘s lobby lay empty since there were no matinee
performances on Saturday but for Feflx the room was packed to the rafters with
tension as he stared up at the poster advertising the return of The Great Simon.
the one person in the world that could rid him of the curse that was ruining his
life. Silently. he slipped through a door to where he knew the backstage area to
be in search of the famous hypnotist…

Crossdress fiction superpowered training


“Welcome to the team. I’m kind of glad you decided to join up after you helped us stop that ‘Massive Transformation Plot’.”
“What’s with the goggles? Simple. Power training and testing. In other words you try to take me down with every
skill and power you have, and I in turn hand you your ass.And whatever you do, don’t hold back because I’m a girl. I can change back to a guy whenever I want. And even ifl couldn’t, I can still mop the floor with you!”

3 Ways to Get Your Summer Body Ready (Male to Female Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)


Summer Body Basics

It is getting pretty close to summer and many of us want to have our summer bodies in tact. This may include fabulous arms or fabulous abs and many want to leave no stone unturned when it comes to this. Momentum is a central part of summer exercise. It’s normal to have those weeks when everything goes correctly: You do all your exercises, eat like a health nut and begin to think, ‘I may completely accomplish this!’

Then ‘it’ materializes. ‘It’ may be a vacation, an illness…something that throws you off your game, or you just become bored with it. Getting back to our routine can be painstaking unoriginal and is constantly tough, partly as you’ve lost that momentum. We already realize that an crossdress object at rest tends to remain at rest, so getting going again is the only way to get your momentum moving.

Rather than caring about making up for lost time with intense exercises, center on simply getting some simple exercise time in short periods of time. There have been studies that show 10 minutes of moderate exercises three times a day can be just as equal to a full extreme workout.  Plan your exercises for the week.

Sissy fiction genetic makeup


Martin sat fidgeting in the waiting room, struggling to contain his anxiety. This was it! If this job interview didn’t work out, his visa would expire in three days and he would be on his way back to Germany. Back to his life of no job, no friends and no girlfriend…it literally was all or nothing. The potential job at hand was an IT programming position for the non-committally named ‘TicTechToe’. It sounded like some kind of games company but, to be honest, Martin would take anything.

Sissy crossdressing fiction going out and coming out


yeah, hi Dad… …yeah it’s me, Tom, I’m on a pay phone… …yeah I know what time it is and I ‘m sorry but I had no other choice… …don’t worry I ‘m safe, I just need you to come and get me… …where am I?… …I’m in the next town over, I went with some friends, we wanted to check out a new club that had opened… …yeah