Disguise of Deception-9

Disguise of Deception-9

Notice : Release every 3 days

Disguise of Deception-9

“With Taylor medically cleared, the Commander enters the Med-Bay.”

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Disguise of Deception-9

“It’s hard to remain a purely professional soldier with a body and wardrobe like that. However, there that will have to slide for now, as there are more important matters to attend to, like how the Rookie ended up with the body of an Erica’s Secret model.”

“Taylor gives her debriefing on what happened in the field to the Commander. With most weapons completely ineffective against the creature, what can they do to prevent this from happening to someone else on the crew?”

“Damn, we don’t get any sexy aliens yet. Though, it’s not like we’d have a transformation off-screen. But then again, why did Garra not come to Taylor’s rescue?”

“Garra’s reasoning mostly makes sense for why he never responded on the Comm. And he does make sense, Taylor shouldn’t have wondered outside of the sniper’s field of view.”

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