Notice : Release every 3 days Nikki's losing her virginity tonight. Just a few weeks or even days ago she would be disgusted with the thought of having sex with…
Notice : Release every 3 days After glimpses of womanhood from his experiences with Leon and the bath tub, Nick decides to experiment further now that he's found a man…
Notice : Release every 3 days It turns out that Prince Aywin is quite the witty charmer. He's also very thoughtful, and teaches Nick a valuable lesson about life. How…
Notice : Release every 3 days Given some time alone in her bath, Nick explores his female body. The sensations start to bring back flashbacks of what he felt the…
Notice : Release every 3 days To Isabelle's credit, the reason he doesn't seem any different is because it's an exact copy of Chris's soul, but she should have at…
Notice : Release every 3 days Chris lies to his friends about where his new armor actually came from and plans to serve Grey Mask without them finding out. Ever…
Notice : Release every 3 days The group didn't stand a chance against Grey Mask. How can they possible defeat that which has no life? You were the chosen one!…
Notice : Release every 3 days There's a very sudden attack on the village of Toronso, and this doesn't appear to be a scripted part of the game. Grey Mask…
Notice : Release every 3 days Nick succumbs to his newfound pleasure and decides to have sex with poor Leon. Talk about getting a cold shower. At least Leon is…
Notice : Release every 3 days Nick's 'first time' is suddenly looking much different than he imagined. Chris is finally able to snap Hikaru out of it. Although, he's in…